Friday 9 November 2012

Features Commonly Seen in DSLR Designs

    Photography is a great hobby that many people are opting to try. When someone completely new to photography or first laid their hands on a digital camera, then there are plenty of things to learn. There are many features and many buttons on a digital camera, so all the camera a bit intimidating. Let us see some important features about DSLR photography for beginners.

    This is among the interesting features found in a DSLR camera :
    1. Mode dial
    2. Dust reduction systems
    3. Interchangeable lenses
    4. HD video capture
    5. Live preview
    6. Larger sensor sizes and better image quality
    7. Depth-of-field control
    8. Wider angle of view
    9. Unusual features
    I will explain about every DSLR camera features in more detail so wait and visit my blog for the next time...

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